NBC Chicago: "A 4.3 magnitude earthquake woke up Chicago-area residents early Wednesday.
The tremor centered near west suburban Geneva, about five miles east of Sycamore, struck at 3:59 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey."
Actually, that could be a nasty combination. A snowstorm and an earthquake.
The East is looking at Snowpocalypse 2 another 2 feet of snow. People doing last minute preps for the first snowstorm cleaned out all the stores, which was to be expected. Now they are doing it again as they are finally getting out and stores are getting restocked, only to be emptied again because of another coming storm.
Now, throw an earthquake at the situation. A Haiti style 8.0 rather then a 3.8. Now things changes drastically.
Living under the stars in tropical Haiti for a few weeks is annoying but won't be a problem until hurricane season starts up.
Outdoor living in subfreezing temperatures is another thing entirely. Iffy buildings would have to be shored up and occupied. Collapsed building could be scavenged for wood products for fuel. People would be scrambling for clothes more then food and water at first.
Keeping a heavy duty 72hr kit in your car and the car away from things that can fall on it is a lifestyle change that will bring big peace of mind to you.