Those who suspect anyone – contractor, inspector, disaster survivor or someone posing as any of these – of committing fraudulent activities should call the Disaster Fraud Hotline toll-free at 800-323-8603.
Complaints may also be made to local law enforcement agencies and through the West Virginia State Attorney General’s Office Consumer Hotline at 800-368-8808 or online at"
Whenever there is a disaster the creeps seems to come out of the woodwork. All kinds of fraudulent "charities" but also fake contractors and the like.
The best thing to do is to find a trustworthy contractor before something happens and keep his number in your info kit.
How do you find a contractor? Talk to your friends and neighbors, coworkers, church members and club members. Community is your friend here.
Also try out your contractor on a small job to see if you like his work and the way he works.
Put him on your Christmas card list and otherwise stay in contact from time to time to build a relationship.