The Loma Prieta quake — 20 years (and a few days) later | And Still I Persist: "The quake finally died down, and I went out through the office’s sliding glass door to the outside deck and saw a glorious, once-in-several-lifetimes sight: dozens of giant redwood trees all swaying in unison in big sweeping arcs, while millions of tiny golden redwood leaves drifted down. None of the trees had fallen over, so I ran back into the house to check on everyone and to see what damage had been done to the house."
I remember this earthquake, though I was in college in Utah at the time. This is a good story to read since you get to learn from what happened to someone else, what worked and what didn't.
While earthquake is a potential threat here in Denver it is not as much a threat as in California or the Ohio River valley. A few of the standard precautions: strapping the hot water heater and tall bookcases down, 72 hour kit and the like.
Wisdom is learning from someone else's experience.
Notes for Saturday – April 08, 2017
7 years ago